
Our curated list of Penn State Harrisburg and University policies is not comprehensive and highlights policies that are most directly related to teaching and learning. Please see the complete policy lists for a comprehensive policy overview.

Highlighted Penn State Harrisburg Policies //

Please refer to the Penn State Harrisburg Academic Guidelines and Policies page for a complete list of all academic policies.

A-2. Final Examination Policy

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Purpose: To reinforce the University Faculty Senate Policy 44-20 on final examinations.

A-9. Hybrid Courses

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Purpose: To establish policies to deliver administratively approved hybrid courses for Penn State Harrisburg.

A-10. Online Courses

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Purpose: To establish policies to deliver courses with remote instruction, including remote asynchronous, remote synchronous, and remote blended courses.

A-11. Graduation Requirements

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Purpose: University Academic Administration Policy L-2: Degree Checking as implemented at Penn State Harrisburg, The Capital College, with specific regard to Faculty Senate Policies 82-40, 48-40, and 82-44.

C-4. Cancellation of Classes Unrelated to Weather

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Purpose: To establish a policy governing the cancellation of classes unrelated to weather. (For the College weather policy, see C-5.)

C-5. College Operations during Periods of Inclement or Dangerous Weather Conditions or Other Weather-Related Emergencies

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Purpose: These guidelines reaffirm the college’s commitment to the safety of faculty, staff, and students and its recognition that many must travel a significant distance to meet teaching and learning commitments on campus.

C-7. Academic Integrity Policy

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Purpose: To establish a Penn State Harrisburg, the Capital College academic integrity policy that is consistent with the existing policies, practices, and procedures of The Pennsylvania State University as explained in University Faculty Senate Policy 49-20 and the Academic Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual, Section G-9.

F-8. Capital College Faculty Teaching at Other Penn State Locations

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Purpose: To establish guidelines for Capital College faculty who are invited to teach occasionally at other Penn State or non-Penn State locations.

F-10. Processing New Adjunct Faculty (FT2)

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Purpose: To establish a uniform procedure across the Schools to ensure that new adjunct faculty receive an appropriate orientation to Penn State Harrisburg, the Capital College.

F-11. Faculty Workload Policy

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Purpose: All full‐time faculty (excluding library faculty) in the Capital College are expected to teach and advise students, to engage in research and/or creative endeavors and scholarly activities, to provide service to the University, the public, and the profession, and to be involved in outreach activities appropriate to their rank and position. Faculty workload is defined by a combination of teaching, scholarship, and service and the evaluation of faculty performance will be based on these areas. The College and Schools may have varying expectations and requirements for individual faculty members depending on the nature of their assignments.

F-12. Academic Policies and Forms for Graduate Programs

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Purpose: These forms and procedures are provided as a resource for Graduate Faculty. Some forms have access restrictions; these are noted as such. Please contact the Graduate Studies office for more information on any of the policies or forms.

F-13 A. Promotion and Tenure Criteria for Penn State Harrisburg, The Capital College

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Purpose: In support of its mission, Capital College shares the knowledge and expertise of its faculty with the people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the nation, and the world.

F-13 B. Guidelines and Criteria for Promotion for Full-Time Non-Tenure Line Faculty

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Purpose: The purpose of this document is to establish criteria for the promotion of non-tenure line teaching faculty at Penn State Harrisburg. As the College does not hire faculty in research and/or clinical faculty, these guidelines do not deal with promotion in those ranks.

F-14. Faculty Salary Supplements

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Purpose: To establish policies for supplemental compensation for faculty on standing appointments.

Highlighted University Policies //

Please refer to the Penn State Policies page for a complete list of all academic policies and guidelines.

AC21. Definition of Academic Ranks

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Purpose: This policy provides guidance on the qualifications necessary for appointment or promotion to the various academic ranks.

AC23. Promotion and Tenure Procedures and Regulations

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Purpose: To determine the criteria, procedures, and conditions of the review of University academic personnel and for the awarding of promotion and tenure.

AC40. Annual Evaluation of Faculty Performance

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Purpose: This policy provides the process for an evaluation of the performance of each member of the faculty at least once each year. Each tenured faculty member will be evaluated with an extended review every fifth year after the most recent promotion decision.

AC61. Faculty Contracts

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Purpose: To establish the terms and conditions for making standing appointment offers to, and contracting the services of, individuals classified as academic or academic administrator.

AC64. Academic Freedom

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Purpose: To outline the conditions of academic freedom for faculty members. Academic freedom refers to the environment provided by the University that permits faculty members to engage in their scholarly pursuits of teaching, research, and related activities at institutions of higher education. Academic freedom thus embodies the conditions necessary for the University to fulfill its mission of creating new knowledge and of effectively communicating accumulated knowledge and understanding to students and to the community at large. Academic responsibility refers to the duty and obligation of all faculty to pursue their academic pursuits with forthrightness, recognizing that while all members of the University have the right to express their own views and to hear the views of others expressed, as well as the responsibility for according the same rights to others, they also have a duty to make it clear when they are not speaking for the institution in matters of public interest. The University should be an institution whose members may express themselves, while protecting and respecting the rights of others to learn, to do research, and to carry out the essential functions of the University free from interference or obstruction.

AC76. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

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Purpose: This policy defines the procedures to be followed when issues involving faculty rights and responsibilities have not been successfully resolved through the normal channels of administrative responsibility and procedure.

AC80. Faculty Outside Professional Activities and Conflict of Commitment

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Purpose: This Policy has two principal purposes. The first is to set forth policies and principles that permit University faculty to engage in activities outside the University (“Outside Professional Activities”) while preserving their primary professional duties and responsibilities to the University and remaining consistent with federal regulations and guidelines. The second is to provide a basis for reporting Outside Professional Activities of faculty to the University.

ACG02. Open Availability and Open Licensing of Instructional and Other Materials

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Purpose: Penn State is committed to harnessing technology to expand access to knowledge and advance pedagogy through the open availability and open licensing of instructional materials and other materials. Making instructional materials openly available, including in some cases with an open license, helps to reduce course materials costs for students at Penn State, elsewhere in the Commonwealth, and beyond, fulfilling the University’s land-grant mission. The University and the broader world also benefit from open availability and open licensing of other materials produced at Penn State.

AD35. University Archives and Records Management

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Purpose: This policy specifies the regulations by which University Records are defined, captured, utilized, stored, disposed of, and properly archived when they meet the University’s criteria for constituting a “University Record.” This policy provides the means to define and offer counsel to University offices during the creation and use of all University Records. Further, it sets records management standards and creates Records Retention Schedules for those records. It also establishes archival criteria to maintain and assure continued access to appropriate historical records, in all formats in which they are created and retained.

AD53. Privacy Policy

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Purpose: To establish a framework for compliance and responsibility regarding privacy and the protection of an individual’s personal information.

AD62. Use of General Purpose Classrooms

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Purpose: The following is the policy and procedures for using General Purpose Classrooms (GPC’s). The Pennsylvania State University has invested heavily in improving the furnishings, equipment, and environments in General Purpose Classrooms (GPC’s) The GPC’s are a University resource with a priority mission to provide high quality environments and tools to enhance the educational experiences for students and instructors. Classrooms are also available for student activities, public outreach and research programs as outlined in policy AD82. The Registrar at each campus has the authority to determine and approve what activities are appropriate for the GPCs. Appeal of an Office of the Registrar decision must be directed to the Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Education.

AD67. Disclosure of Wrongful Conduct and Protection From Retaliation

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Purpose: The University is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and conduct, consistent with applicable legal requirements and University policies.  Through the establishment of this policy, the University wishes to encourage and protect from Retaliation those who desire to report potential violations of these standards.

AD69. Accessibility of Electronic and Information Technology

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Purpose: The Pennsylvania State University is committed to ensuring equal access to information, programs, and activities through its information technologies, web pages, web-based applications, operating system-based applications, online instructional content, services, and resources (“electronic information technology” or “EIT”) for all its constituencies. This policy establishes standards for the accessibility of EIT considered necessary to meet this goal and ensure compliance with applicable local, state and federal regulations and laws.

AD70. Emergency Management

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Purpose: To establish a policy concerning an all-hazards emergency management program at The Pennsylvania State University, prescribing actions that must be undertaken for the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors, and for the protection of infrastructure, critical assets and services, compliant with applicable federal and state laws and regulations.  The framework of this policy includes program development and maintenance during normal business, activation in response to an emergency, and return to routine operations.

AD72. Reporting Suspected Child Abuse

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Purpose: To provide guidance to University employees, volunteers, and independent contractors regarding mandated reporting requirements pursuant to Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) and pursuant to Penn State Policy. This Policy is intended to apply broadly and, when in doubt, members of the University community should always err on the side of reporting suspected child abuse.

AD74. Compliance With Clery Act

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Purpose: To establish the parameters for compliance with the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998” (commonly referred to as the “Clery Act”) at all University locations.

AD78. Threats to Campus Safety

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Purpose: The Pennsylvania State University is committed to promoting a safe and secure working and learning environment. Violence, threats of violence and threatening behaviors are inconsistent with this objective and are unacceptable.

AD82. Classroom Scheduling

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Purpose: Penn State’s general purpose classrooms (GPCs) are a University resource with a priority mission to provide high quality environments and tools to enhance the educational experiences for students and instructors. When scheduling a general purpose classroom, the first priority is for credit instruction. Effort should be made to ensure that an appropriate match is made between the course’s pedagogical requirements and the features of the room. Other uses such as student activities and events, conferences and events, non-credit courses, are scheduled at a lower priority after all credit courses have been accommodated.

AD85. Title IX Sexual Harassment

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Purpose: To establish The Pennsylvania State University’s (“Penn State” or the “University”) policy prohibiting sexual harassment and misconduct, including, but not limited to, acts of sexual violence, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”). This Policy references other University policies which may be implicated in University disciplinary procedures related to conduct that falls outside the scope of this Policy.

AD88. Code of Responsible Conduct

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Purpose: The Code of Responsible Conduct applies to all employees (faculty, staff, administrators, and student employees) of The Pennsylvania State University on legal, policy, and other duties encountered during the normal course of University business and employment.

AD91. Discrimination and Harassment and Related Inappropriate Conduct

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Purpose: To establish the University’s policy prohibiting discrimination and harassment in all forms, and retaliation related to reports of such conduct. This policy specifically prohibits discrimination and/or harassment against any person because of their actual or perceived age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, physical or mental disability, religion, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, marital or family status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, genetic information or political ideas.

AD95. Information Assurance and IT Security

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Purpose: To establish an institution-wide security program designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of The Pennsylvania State University’s (“Penn State“ or “the University”) information assets from unauthorized access, loss, alteration, or damage while supporting the open, information-sharing needs of our academic culture.

AD96. Acceptable Use of University Information Resources

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Purpose: To establish and define the “acceptable use” of The Pennsylvania State University (“Penn State” or “University”) electronic resources, including, but not limited to, computer facilities and services, computers, networks, electronic mail services, and electronic information and data, and video and voice services, to support the educational, research and service missions of the University.

AD99. University Provided Email Policy

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Purpose: Electronic mail (email) is a primary means of communication both within The Pennsylvania State University (“Penn State” or the “University”) and externally.  Email provides a quick and efficient means to conduct business, but, if not used properly, it carries the risk of harm to the University and members of its community.

Penn State Active Attacker Response Program

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Purpose: Penn State has adopted an Active Attacker Response Program as part of the University’s ongoing commitment to the safety of those who are on our campuses to learn, live, work and visit.